Sindhooram (2023) is a thriller drama film directed by Shyam Tummalapalli and starring Brigida Saga, Dharma, Siva Balaji, Adduri Ravi Varma, and Dayanand Reddy. The film’s music is composed by Gowra Hari while cinematography is done by Kesav and edited by Jesvin Prabu.
Sindhooram Cast and Crew
Starcast | Brigida Saga, Dharma, Siva Balaji, Adduri Ravi Varma, Dayanand Reddy, Keshav Deepak and others |
Directed by | Shyam Tummalapalli |
Written by | Shyam Tummalapalli |
Produced by | Praveen Reddy Janga |
Cinematography | Kesav |
Edited by | Jesvin Prabu |
Music by | Gowra Hari |
Release Date | 24 January 2023 |
Running Time | 2h 13m |