Jackson Bazaar Youth (2023) is a family comedy drama film written by Usman Maarath and directed by Shamal Sulaiman and starring Lukman Avaran, Indrans, Jaffer Idukki, Chinnu Chandni, and Abhiram Radhakrishnan. The film’s music is composed by Govind Vasantha while cinematography is done by Kannan Patteri and edited by Appu N Bhattathiri & Shaijas KM.
Jackson Bazaar Youth Cast and Crew
Starcast | Lukman Avaran, Indrans, Jaffer Idukki, Chinnu Chandni, Abhiram Radhakrishnan and others |
Directed by | Usman Maarath |
Written by | Usman Maarath |
Produced by | Zakariya |
Cinematography | Kannan Patteri |
Edited by | Appu N Bhattathiri & Shaijas KM |
Music by | Govind Vasantha |
Release Date | 19 May 2023 |
Running Time | 1h 44m |