Samara (2023) is a thriller film written and directed by Charles Joseph and starring Rahman, Bharath, Sanjana Dipu, Binoj Villya and Rahul Madhav. The film’s music is composed by Deepak Warrier while cinematography is done by Sinu Sidharth and edited by RJ Pappan.
Samara Cast and Crew
Starcast | Rahman, Bharath, Sanjana Dipu, Binoj Villya, Rahul Madhav, Vivia Santh, Govind Krishna, Mir Sarwar, Dinesh Lamba, Veer Aryan, Neetu Chaudhary, Sonali Sudan and others |
Directed by | Charles Joseph |
Written by | Charles Joseph |
Produced by | MK Subhakaran, Anuj Varghese Villyadath |
Cinematography | Sinu Sidharth |
Edited by | RJ Pappan |
Music by | Deepak Warrier |
Release Date | 13 October 2023 |
Running Time | 1h 58m |