Simon Daniel (2023) is a mystery thriller film written by Rakesh Kuriakose and directed by Sajan Antony and starring Vineeth Kumar, Divya Pillai, Vijeesh Vijayan, Sreeraman, and Sunil Sugatha. The film’s music is composed by Varun Krishna while cinematography is done by Sajan Antony and edited by Deepu Joseph.
Simon Daniel Cast and Crew
Starcast | Vineeth Kumar, Divya Pillai, Vijeesh Vijayan, Sreeraman, Sunil Sugatha, Vijeesh Vasudev and others |
Directed by | Sajan Antony |
Written by | Rakesh Kuriakose |
Produced by | Rakesh Kuriakose |
Cinematography | Sajan Antony |
Edited by | Deepu Joseph |
Music by | Varun Krishna |
Release Date | 19 August 2022 |
Running Time | 2h 01m |