Pindam (2023) is a horror thriller film written and directed by Saikiran Daida and starring Sriram and Kushee Ravi in lead roles with Easwari Rao and Srinivas Avasarala in supporting roles. The film’s music is composed by Krishna Saurabh Surampalli while cinematography is done by Sathish Manoharan and edited by Sirish Prasad.
Pindam Cast & Crew
Starcast | Hansika Motwani, Sai Tej, Prema, Murali Sharma, Pooja Ramachandran |
Directed by | Saikiran Daida |
Written by | Saikiran Daida |
Produced by | Kalaahi Media, Yeshwanth Daggumati, Prabu Raja |
Cinematography | Sathish Manoharan |
Edited by | Sirish Prasad |
Music by | Krishna Saurabh Surampalli |
Theatrical Release Date | 15 December 2023 |
Language | Telugu |
Running Time | 2h 37m |